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Septic Inspections, Septic Tank Repair, Septic Tank Installation
Septic Inspection-

There are several types of inspections.  Common inspection points include:

  • Locating the tank

  • Check liquid level for backup or leaks

  • Dividing wall is present and in good condition

  • Condition of tank (corrosion, roots, etc.)

  • Liquid level reaction when wastewater in introduced to system

  • Check for backflow from absorption area

Your tank may need to be pumped to check these items. We will provide  a thorough inspection report every time, usually the same day as the inspection.

Septic Tank Installation-There are many types of septic systems to suit your site-specific needs and meet state and local requirements.a proper site evaluation will determine which system is best suited for your property.
Septic Tank Repair-Repairing a system may mean as little as fixing a damaged or broken pipe. If your system is older, then, a “repair” may  mean installing a whole new system. Age of the system, site conditions and a site evaluation would determine the extent of the repair requirements.
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